15.2.19 #WisdomHou15.2.19 Katie Kalin surrogate muscle tests answers for people who have sent in questions every week.

Go to bit.ly/WisdomHour to submit a question.

 The following questions are answered live here using surrogate muscle testing.

Blue numbers take you straight to the specific question and answer.

00:28 What’s blocking me from financial wealth? I’ve been struggling for years.

10:34 What’s causing this numbness in my hands at night, and a sharp shooting pain down into my hand?

16:32 How can I let myself simply BE in my drama class when I know I’m holding myself back in the exercises?

27:12 I feel like I am rebelling against what society wants for me – security, money, babies….How can I differentiate between rebelling, and what I actually don’t want in my life?

40:21 How can I feel less stressed and sleep better so I feel healthy and get on with my assignments.

52:14 My glands are swelling after overdoing things. How can I help with a swollen throat, apart from usual self care? Post your own question through this link bit.ly/WisdomHour

Post your own question for next week’s wisdom hour here bit.ly/WisdomHour

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