5.4.19 #WisdomHour Katie Kalin surrogate muscle tests for the following questions

01:05 I’ve been back from Latin America for 10 years now but I still feel impacted from events there. My health is not the same since I moved back to Ireland. Is there a way I can have peace about decisions I made while living in Latin America, or do I need more healing?

06:54 How do I help my 10 year old child over a separation. She loves my boyfriend of 5 years but I’ve asked him to leave. How do I manage to have her not hate me?

17:34 The general response to my brother’s suicide has been mixed but his wife is very angry. How can we help her?

23:20 My pattern is to take on other people’s suppressed emotions. I realise this later. How do I know when I’m getting my energy mixed up with others?

35:36 Why am I continually procrastinating? I make all these plans then do everything to avoid them. Help! 53:23 How can I release my money blocks and welcome financial abundance into my life after a lifetime of living on the edge in survival mode

To submit an anonymous question for #WisdomHour go to bit.ly/WisdomHour and complete the questionnaire.