What is Kate’s Method?


Kate helps you find the imbalances in your body and mind (bodymind)

for any issue you are experiencing.


She uses muscle testing to access your bodily wisdom and discover what has become unbalanced.


Kate then uses a variety of techniques to bring your system into balance for healing or personal growth.

You may experience any of the following within your session:

 + Reprogramming  subconscious beliefs, images and patterns.

+ Identifying negative self talk and replace with helpful messages.

+ Release suppressed trauma

+ Accupressure points for physical release and meridian balancing.

+ Physical and energy clearing techniques for stress relief.

+ Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming

+ Practice assertiveness, communication or conflict resolution skills for effective relationships

+ Nutritional assessment and advice. Test for food and other intolerances.

+ Identify and develop nourishing  habits e.g. mindfulness, nature, meditation, exercise.

+ Find your favorite expressive exercise for emotional processing.

+ Discover your values to help with motivation, priorities and purpose.

+ Identify your strengths and gifts. Build on these for positive outcomes.  

Kinesiology, Trauma, Stress
Kinesiology, Trauma, Stress

Your Online  Experience


Kate’s online ‘ZOOM’ video service is available to those over 18 years old.

Book and pay for your online consultation  HERE


Clinic Appts are currently offered only in Italy until further notice




* You remain fully clothed and covered with a blanket.


* Its better to wear trousers than a skirt.


* Minors must to be accompanied by a parent during their treatment.


* Gentle hands on muscle testing is used to detect and find answers to your issue.


* Discover and clear blocked energy.


* Transform trauma and process suppressed emotional content.


* Relieve stress, reset and refocus the bodymind for what you want.


And more……..

You may come to Katie with symptoms or pain that your doctors can’t find a cause for. Or you may have a diagnosis and you’ve been told you can’t do anything for it.

A diagnosis names your condition, and the prognosis is what the doctor thinks will happen in regard to this condition into the future.A diagnosis can sometimes be helpful, but many a prognosis has been proved wrong.

The physicist Steven Hawking was told he would die in his 20’s because of Motor Neuron disease, but he worked and had a full life until his mid 70’s, despite the disease.

If you’ve been given a poor prognosis by your doctor remember that there are millions of people who have proven their doctor’s prognosis incorrect. Don’t let it demoralise you, because belief in your ability to get well, live longer or manage your illness, is very important for any recovery or healing.

Katie Kalin is not a medical doctor and  does not claim to cure any disease or medical condition.


However, in her experience she has found that it’s usually a combination of causes, some current and others repressed for years, that underly any condition.


You will not be aware of what is repressed in you because those experiences, reactions and beliefs reside in the unconscious mind, which is outside of your awareness.


Kate has found that these internal pressures, subconscious ‘programs,’  suppressed memories, traumas and stresses build up over time until the body reaches a ‘tipping point’ where you become symptomatic, and experience pain, unexplained symptoms, or develop a dis-ease.


You will find Kate’s therapy relaxing and enjoyable. However it is not a passive therapy where everything is done TO you. You engage in this therapy together.


Kate may give you a ‘homeplay’ practice to do between appointments to reprogram your subconsious mind. This allows you to  progress and saves you money. This continuation of therapy at home means you can visit monthly instead of weekly compared to most traditional therapies.

DISCLAIMER: Kinesiology is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. If you are having symptoms that require medical attention see your GP or health professional first. Katie Kalin does not claim to diagnose or cure any specific disease or medical condition. She works with the whole person to rebalance you for your chosen goal. Goals may include optimal healing, physical or mental health, personal development, learning with ease, stress management,  life-work balance, or general wellbeing