Wisdom Hour Questions and links to the answers

Listed in alphabetical order by issue, below

To go directly to the answer on video, click the blue number  before the question.

To bring up all #WisdomHour videos in date order click bit.ly/WisdomVideos

01:31 Abundance – Struggling financially:  I’m suffering from ill health and struggling financially. Is there anything I can do to bring in money for my medical bills and living expenses?

00:01 Abusive sibling – How can I cut my abusive brother out of my life without affecting my daughter’s relationship with her grandparents.

00:01 Activism – Participation – Motivation: How do I cope with all the news about the destruction of our planet and why is it so hard to do anything about it?

17:54 Addictive – food, wine: Food and wine are easy places for me to seek comfort. How can I find other comfort that is good for me?

40:25 Bladder – Pressure: I’ve been feeling pressure in my pelvic area for the last few months. It feels like a bladder issue. I took herbal medicine and it calmed down, but it’s flaring up again. Is it linked to being emotionally stressed? It makes me feel irritated and I notice it when I stop e.g. trying to sleep or resting.

29:07 Brain Fog – What do I need to do to clear long standing brain fog?

00:01  Business – Course Writing: Should I be writing my course instead of looking for clients?

04:19  Business – Selling:  Why am I not selling on my webinars? I’m trying to get to 6 figures.

00.01  Business – Targets: Why am I not hitting my financial target? How am I blocking the free flow of abundant revenue?

00:01 Business – Procrastination – Tax:  Why do I procrastinate so much over my tax returns?

00.57 Business – Teams: How can I get more people to join my mission?

10:47 Career Choices – Third level: Making choices in third level education.

00:01 Childhood pain and trauma: I had a very troubled childhood. There was a lot of neglect and abuse.How do I get free of the burden of my past and the pain and suffering it still causes me?

11:22 Communication – being understood at work.Do you have any tips to help me get myself understood at work?

28:20 Communication – Why young children need you to be honest about your feelings. Know how to own and express them appropriately.

16:32 Control – Letting go of the need to: How can I let myself simply BE in my drama class when I know I’m holding myself back in the exercises?

00:01 Cramp – Leg Cramps at night: What’s causing them and what can I do about them. I am taking magnesium and tonic water.

01:05 Decisions – peace:  Is there a way I can have peace about decisions I made while living in Latin America, or do I need more healing?

07:12 Decisions – Right or Wrong? How can I know if I’ve made the right decision about anything?

17:22 Disappointment – How can I overcome the feeling of sadness and disappointment after my surprise party?

07:23 Ear Infection – gone into jaw: I have an ear infection that’s now gone into my jaw and surrounding tissues. I’m on antibiotics. Is there anything else I can do to speed up my recovery?

23:20 Emotions – My pattern is to take on other people’s suppressed emotions. I realise this later. How do I know when I’m getting my energy mixed up with others?

00:01 Energy – Low energy: How can I renew my zest for life and enjoy my surroundings more? Do I need a new activity or outing?

00:01 Family dispute – Who do I invite to my childrens’ christening when my family don’t get along?

00.01 Fatigue – I suffer from ongoing fatigue. What do I need to do to emerge from this cycle?

00:01 Fear – Death: of my child dying before me

02:15 Fear – Public speaking: How do others manage their fear of presenting themselves for interviews etc?

27:53 Focus – Distractions: How do I stay focused and block out distractions so I can get my course work done?

00:01 Friendship – How can I get my life gently supported by others? I lack supportive friends.

01:33 Generational – Pain: How can I heal my mother’s generational line.

28:14 Geopathic Stress –  How can I clear my home of geopathic stress and toxic energy?

25:49 Get out of bed – Why can’t I? Why do I lie in bed when I wake up, and leave it till the last minute before an appointment/commitment to get up?

52:14 Glands: Swollen: My glands are swelling after overdoing things. How can I help with a swollen throat, apart from usual self care?

00:01 Hair loss: What’s causing my hair loss? Also talks about causes of alopecia towards the end of the video.

30:35 Health issues – Various health problems described: Are these health issues coming from physical, emotional, spiritual or other sources?

40:21 Insomnia – Stress: How can I feel less stressed and sleep better so I feel healthy and get on with my assignments.

21:25 Insomnia – Worry: I get so worried about things I can’t sleep. What can I do to get to sleep?

21:03 Isolation – anxious, stressed: What can I do right now about feeling stressed, anxious and isolated where I live?

17:34 Katie Kalin – Services: Can I make an appt with you without buying a package?

00:01  Life – Challenges: Will my life ever settle down? It seems to be one challenge after the other!

38:31 Life Events – Overwhelm: I’m feeling overwhelmed and tired after a personal loss and promotion at work. I have no energy left for my relationship. How can I manage my energy so I can be there for my boyfriend and myself.

00:01 Lung Pain – Ongoing right lung pain: I’ve had ongoing in my right lung for years. Various treatments have improved it. What’s the cause of this lung pain and what does it need to heal?

00:22 Medical warning

51:45 Medical: When to get medical tests

00:01 Menopause – Hormones and gut issues.  How can I best support my body back into hormonal and gut balance?

00:42 Menopause – Night sweats, Hot flushes: At 55 I’m getting night sweats and hot flushes during the day. I’m taking supplements but they don’t seem to help much.Can you help?

53:23 Money Blocks – How can I release my money blocks and welcome financial abundance into my life after a lifetime of living on the edge in survival mode.

55:04 Motivation – discipline: Why can’t I be disciplined about my work. I’m reluctant to get up on time and get to work, or even to make my lunch. Why am I so undisciplined?

00:01 Muscle Testing – How this Wisdom Hour muscle testing is all about you.

1:30  Muscle tone – Is there anything I can do, apart from physical exercises given, to improve my child’s muscle tone? It’s really holding him back.

01:53 Niche –  New business: Do I need to niche? What is my niche, or how do I find it?

10:34 Numbness – hands: What’s causing this numbness in my hands at night, and a sharp shooting pain down into my hand?

59:38 Overwhelm – Why do I feel so overwhelmed?

01:07 Pain – Back, lower:Random lower back pain.

00:34 Pain – Emotions suppressed: I’ve been told my physical pain is caused by my suppressed emotions. I don’t get it. How can emotions create physical symptoms and pain?

33:26 Pain – Foot: I have foot pain. I’ve given up sugar, increased water and improved my diet. Is there anything else I can do to help it?

14:57 Pain – Foot, left: Ongoing issue with my left foot. I have special soles for shoes which eased it somewhat but would like to heal it fully. Can I heal this foot issue and pain?

00:01 Pain – Heel – Intermittent: I have a weird niggly intermittent pain under the heel of my right foot.

22:48  Pain – Hip after surgery 1 year ago.  Why is my right hip feeling so painful and unstable a year after surgery?

00.01  Pain – IBS, Migraine, Joint and Bone Pain –  How can I get relief from symptoms of IBS, Migraine, Muscular and joint pain?

00:01 Pain – Jaw and throat tight and clenched: I’m clenching my jaw and teeth, especially at night. Why is my jaw and throat so tight?

50:23 Pain – Knee: Ongoing knee pain. It’s hard to bend and I have a fear of bending it. How can I get to the root of my pain?

36:15 Pain – Legs and back: What’s causing the pain in my back and legs?

00.01  Pain – Migraine – There is reference to migraine headaches in this recording and the difference between a classic migraine and other headaches.

48:16 Pain – Neck: I have neck problems that massage, osteopathy etc haven’t been able to help. Why do I have this pain and what can I do to help it

09:50 Pain – Neck sides- What’s causing this pain down the sides of my neck when I lie down?

11:54 Pain – Neck and back worsening: I’ve had osteo, physio and chiropractic work done on my neck and back. Why is it that each time I get work done, I get better for a while, then suddenly I get worse again?

00:01 Pain – Nerve damage in legs: My brother has a lot of pain from nerve damage 12 months after an accident which crushed his legs from the pelvis down. Is there anything besides living on pain killers he can do to help get himself back to where he was before.

07:14 Pain – Thighs:I have tenderness on the outside of my thighs that extends to my buttocks and lower back. These areas have always been painful when massaged, but otherwise they don’t give me pain, except for some recurring lower back pain.

27:25 Pain – Supporting someone in pain: How do I support someone in great pain after the hospital has cancelled their operation and has delayed any help?

29:37 Pain – Toes: The toes on my left foot hurt when walking. Its not consistent but when its there it’s very intense and feels like my toes are broken. Why am I experiencing this pain?

19:32 Patient – Advocacy: with doctors and consultants.

09:05 Pressure – Work: I am being pressured too much at work and can’t sleep. I’m too stressed to practice any kind of exercise to get my feet back on the ground, and the idea of looking for a new job gives me the horrors. How will my way forward be if I don’t change my job?

35:36 Procrastination: Why am I continually procrastinating? I make all these plans then do everything to avoid them. Help!

00:01 Procrastination – Tax:  Why do I procrastinate so much over my tax returns?

15:30 Relationship – Abusive: Why do I keep attracting men who are abusive and have substance abuse issues?

47:44. Relationship – Aches and pains shared with partner: I am in a wonderful loving relationship. We suffer the same aches and pains. Are we sharing each others energy? If so why and how do we stop it?

33:42. Relationship – Annoyance:  I am living with a friend but get really annoyed with her all the time.

22:32 Relationship – Mother daughter – Doesn’t want help: My daughter is under massive stress. She did something totally out of character. Now it appears she is having panic attacks. How can I help my daughter when she doesn’t want my help.

5.14 Relationship – Mother daughter: Why can’t I connect with my daughter on an emotional level?

19:04 Relationship – Mother to child. How to tell a young child you are going to separate.

00:01 Relationship – Father: My father doesn’t seem to care about me and I can’t forgive him. How can I forgive him?

19:35. Relationship – Finding one; I’m an awesome open connected woman. How can I align my energy to connect with a similar guy?

1:00 Relationship – Friendship – Projection: Is my friend sending me negative energy?

29:23 Relationship – Inauthentic: How can I change my pattern of befriending people I don’t feel comfortable with, and can’t be authentic with?

36:55 Relationship – Letting go of friendships: Do I need to let my old friends go if I feel disconnected from them. If so, how do I meet people who are on the same page as me?

11:39 Relationship – Misunderstood: Why am I always being misunderstood?

21:18 Relationship – Misunderstood by friend: I feel judged and misunderstood by my friend…..

00:01 Relationship – Over?: How do I know if my relationship is truly over?

13:00. Relationship – Restarting old relationship:  I’m not sure if I should get back with an ex who is wanting to start the relationship again….

06:54 Relationship – Separation:How do I help my 10 year old child over a separation. She loves my boyfriend of 5 years but I’ve asked him to leave. How do I manage to have her not hate me?

19:32 Rights – doctors/consultants: What are my rights with doctors, consultants etc.?

31:11 Rotator cuff – Surgery in 2016 – pain is back plus a punching sensation around shoulder blade … is this linked to my finances or is it just a symptom of stuckness?

00:01 Separation: How can I let go of my ended marriage so I can focus on my life purpose? My marriage ended a few years ago after 25 years and I’m finding it difficult to let go so that I can work on my business.

00.01 Sibling issues – How can I remain unaffected by my siblings?

36:43 Spots – Red and itchy: I have little red itchy spots all over my body. It looks like a rash. I take antihistamines but there is no improvement. What’s causing this rash?

17:34 Suicide – anger: The general response to my brother’s suicide has been mixed but his wife is very angry. How can we help her?

00:01 Sweating – I suffer from excessive sweating. Could there be an emotional cause?

03:29 Symptoms that fluctuate – Not believed by doctor: How can I get better if my doctor doesn’t believe my symptoms are real?

00:28 Wealth – Blocks: What’s blocking me from financial wealth? I’ve been struggling for years.

40:05 Wealth – Creating more wealth: I have a lack of finances. How can I create more wealth in my world?

20:12 Weight – Obsession: Why am I obsessed with my weight?

12:14 Wellness and Joy – What is stopping me from feeling well and experiencing joy?

27:12 Who am I? I feel like I am rebelling against what society wants for me – security, money, babies….How can I differentiate between rebelling, and what I actually don’t want in my life?

00:02 Who’s problem – Projection:  do I know if I’m projecting my ‘stuff’ onto another, or if it’s them that has the problem?

53:50 Wonderful Womens Wisdom – Katie Kalin’s Group on Facebook for womens’ support

00:58 Wonderful Womens Wisdom Group

Submit your anonymous question through bit.ly/WisdomHour for next week



With the Leaving Cert approaching quickly, now is the time to get organised for positive study habits. Here are 5 tips for successful study outcomes to pass on to your teen.


If possible find a quiet place to work and keep that place only for studying. That way you will easily get into study mode each time you go there.

Set up your study area thinking about how you learn best e.g. If you need a good reading space create a comfortable hassle free area to read without distraction.

Don’t have facebook or other social media on devices you use for study. You will be distracted all the time. Borrow an old computer or notepad and use it only for notes and study.

Some people need background noise to concentrate. If that’s you, play music or have the radio on quietly. Don’t play anything too loud as it will distract you from your work.

Stay well hydrated. Your brain works with electrical energy which is relayed through water. If you get dehydrated you will start to feel confused and overwhelmed very quickly because your brain is not able to function correctly. Good focus takes a lot of brain power which takes a lot of water.


Just like physical training, the mind retains and and understands what it learns better when it has down time to process what it takes in.

Study for a solid two hour interval then have a two hour break and go and do something completely different. Take your mind off the study. This allows your work to be absorbed and integrated. Overwhelm impedes retention and integration of learning. A fully focused 2 hours of study is equivalent to 7 hours of study when you are being distracted all over the place.


Get your priorities sorted regarding how you are going to understand your subject.Do you need to address all learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), or do you have a preferred learning style?

Do you learn easily when you are watching or reading and taking notes? If so, you are a natural visual learner. If so try using mindmaps and use symbols to represent ideas. Colour can also to help you remember the most challenging parts of your study.

If you are an auditory learner it helps to explain to someone else your understanding and get them to ask you questions. For the parts that are difficult, record them on your phone and listen to your recordings.

If you are a kinesthetic learner, you will find it easier to learn while you are moving. You can also record things and listen while you are walking or doing something physical. Record questions of the parts you are finding more challenging with a space to answer, then record the real answer afterwards to check. Kinesthetic learners usually like to doodle, swing on their chairs (sorry parents) and tap their feet. This allows them to concentrate more easily. Use spatial exercises to help you remember things e.g. The earth and planets could be set up with fruit or other objects. Get your body involved in some way and you will find it much easier to retain information.

Some people have a very strong preferred way of learning, others have a mixture and are more flexible. Understanding your own unique learning style can help you set up your study for ease and dare I say – even enjoyment!


If you find it easy to study and are good at managing your time, you will fit your study schedule in with your daily life, ensuring you engage in having some fun and exercise each day as well.

But if you are worried and believe you won’t do well it helps to create a solid structure. Have someone to report to about how things are going and any help you need. Prioritise your studies each day before rewarding yourself with down time, social media etc. Give yourself a two hourly schedule in the morning. Have a two hour break over lunchtime. Take that time to exercise as well as eat and talk to friends etc. Then set another 2 hours work in the afternoon. If you really focus for those four hours you will cover a lot of ground.


Know that you can do well if you convince yourself that it is possible. If you find you doubt your ability, say to yourself 3 times in the morning and 3 times at night before sleeping:

“I am capable, intelligent and good enough to get what I need from these exams.”

This will help reprogram you for success. Beliefs can take a minimum of 21 days to reprogram, so start now!

During the day when you find yourself stressing out about exams notice what you are saying to yourself about your ability. Replace it with the same affirmation – saying it to yourself 3 times to really let the message in.

The truth is, unless you have a serious learning difficulty or can’t express what you think through writing, you are capable of getting the results you require.

If you learn easily enough but have problems expressing what you know on paper, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and read this to yourself:

“ Every thought I have is valid and I choose to express it even when I think it’s not good enough. By accepting and expressing my thoughts I get better each time I write. By rejecting my thoughts as being not good enough or clever enough I justify my belief that I am not good enough. When I express what I think, no matter how simple it is, by writing it down I will become unstuck.”

Remember that these days your Leaving Cert doesn’t have to define your future. It may simply delay what you want to do. Many people find that starting college a few years later, when they are clear about what they are really interested in can lead to better college outcomes. A job that isn’t very exciting can create the incentive to get back on track with your learning. Mature students do not require a Leaving Cert to enter college in Ireland, but would be need to succeed in a course that gears them up for their chosen undergraduate course.

Katie Kalin is a kinesiologist and coach from NZ. She runs her own clinic in Cork and offers an online service to help anyone challenged by pain or fear. Katie was a Supervising Tutor for a Performing Arts School in N.Z. She visited 22 secondary schools in Cork annually for over 5 years as part of the UCC ACCESS programme run by Graffiti Theatre Company.

To Find out more about her go to www.katiekalin.com

Help With Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Symptoms of a Panic Attack

You won’t often notice when someone is suffering from low level anxiety. However, when it gets extreme, or results in a panic attack you can recognise certain symptoms. An anxious person’s breathing usually becomes very fast and shallow. They might gulp air and it can appear like they have difficulty breathing in. They may also perspire and look pale or even a little grey and their hands may shake. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, numbness, chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, light headedness, sweating, weakness and chest pain.

A Simple Exercise to Help With Anxiety or Panic Attacks

Here is a simple exercise you can practice if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks. This is also a good exercise to learn and practice when you are not in an anxious state. This way the body gets used to breathing in the most healthy way for letting go of tension. A good time to do this is before sleeping at night. It will help you to get off to a good night’s sleep, and allow the subconscious mind to absorb the new way of breathing as you head into sleep.


Breathe in gently through the nose for a count of four, then breathe out through the nose for a count of eight, completely emptying the lungs.

This type of breathing stimulates the part of your nervous system responsible for relaxation. Our biology works in such a way that when you breathe like this, your body naturally responds by relaxing. Close your eyes, get out of your thoughts and just concentrate on the breath.

On the inbreath, allow your tummy to extend.  Your diaphram (the big muscle which lies underneath the lungs) can then drop, allowing you to breathe into the bottom of the lungs. On the outbreath, consciously think about dropping your shoulders, letting go of tensions in the neck, forhead, eyes and back. Encourage the whole body to relax and let go on each extended outbreath.

Not enough Oxygen?

Why is this exercise helpful when it feels like you are not getting enough air or oxygen? Although it feels like you can’t breathe in, its actually the outbreath which is the problem. This short or incomplete outbreath results in an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

What is Hyperventilation?

An imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood results in hyperventilation. That is  you ‘over-breathe’ and take in too much oxygen. We need a certain amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) to be able to extract and utilise oxygen in the blood. When you hyperventilate, or breathe too quickly your body doesn’t retain enough CO2. Without enough CO2 your body can’t access the oxygen you have breathed in. This makes you feel like you are not getting enough air. Ironically, you have too much oxygen.

Hyperventilation all by itself can cause a panic attack. And if not, it will definitely increase your anxiety. If the outbreath is too short, the lungs are not emptied properly and so you can’t get a proper inbreath. This is what gives the impression that the inbreath is the problem. Focus on an extended slow out breath. By doing this you take in less oxygen with a shorter inbreath. This calms down the breathing pattern and stops you from hyperventilating.

Quick Fixes for Hyperventilation

  • Paper bag breathing.  If you happen to have one nearby, breathe in and out of a paper bag for several breaths. This helps you to re-inhale the CO2 that you exhale and quickly brings relief.
  • Nose breathe while doing some brisk exercise.  A brisk walk or jog while nose breathing will help regulate your breathing. Exercise will also help your  stress levels which contribute to anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Hold your breath.  Simply hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Repeat a few times to prevent dissipation of CO2.

Symptoms Getting Worse?

When our nervous system is in overload our unconscious sympathetic nervous system can remain stimulated. This results in our body going into fight/flight response and getting stuck there. This is ok if you need to get away fast from a real threat, or need to slay a tiger. But in today’s environment this is often not the case. The adrenalin that pours into your system preparing you to deal with a real threat would have been released through running or fighting back in the past. In our modern environment we often have no recourse to this. This is why regular exercise is so important for anyone suffering from any kind of anxiety disorder. We need to process these bodily chemicals or we can stay in a state of hypervigilance and anxiety by default.

When To Seek Help

If your symptoms get worse, think about seeing a professional. A good one can help you get to the bottom of why you are anxious. Often there will be a combination of things affecting you. Some may be current e.g. work stress, while others can be things you are still carrying from the past. You may be unaware of these things. Often the events that cause the most powerful physical reactions are the ones we have suppressed. That means you may not remember them at all but they still put a load on your nervous system. Typically our body and mind can take a lot, but there is a tipping point. A relatively small incident may be the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ leading to overload in the nervous system and corresponding symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. But underneath that straw is usually a history of things that have built up over time.

Disclaimer: This is educational material and is not a subsitute for medical  diagnosis or professional help. If you are suffering from physical symptoms you think may be caused by severe anxiety or that you may be having panic attacks be sure to seek professional help.

Kate Kalin is a Kinesiologist from New Zealand, living in Cork City Ireland. She has over 30 years experience in dealing with children, adolescents and adults in the personal development field.

Intentions – How to persist with them


You know how it is. You have the best of intentions. You are determined to make a change, this time…….. Yeah right. Most of us have no problem keeping promises to others, but can’t do the same for ourselves. Why is this?


You are probably a decent person who hates letting others down, right? You want to be known as a person who keeps their word. It makes you feel better about yourself and it also makes life simpler, true? Conversely, if you break a promise you pay a high price out in the real world. Relationships suffer. You might get a reputation as unreliable and lose others’ trust. You might be called irresponsible, lazy or unmotivated. That’s not good for you personally or professionally. Don’t pay what you promised, and your house could be repossessed! Let your girl/boy friend down and they might even leave you – god forbid!



But, when you break a promise to yourself, well…… have you ever tried to leave yourself? Have you ever tried to talk about yourself behind your own back (it’s impossible!). It’s also pretty darned difficult to have a full-on argument with yourself without ending up in a straight-jacket. Your reputation doesn’t suffer because no-one, least of all you, goes around proclaiming that you are a liar!

There are no consequences at all out there in the real world. That’s why it is just too darned easy for us to break our word to ourselves.


If you kept all the promises you made to yourself and stuck with your intentions, how would your life look? Promises like: “I’m going to only eat healthy food” “I’m going to stick to a budget.” “I’m going to get out of this crummy job.” “I am going to give up ……. (take your pick).” Would you be enjoying life more? Would you be more organised, fitter, healthier, financially free, less stressed or more peaceful?


The truth is most of us need outer accountability to make major changes in our lives. We’ve all been there. I spent seven years procrastinating over doing my Masters degree. I knew it was going to help my career and my life in general. It was only after being coached that I finally put my portfolio together and enrolled. I trusted that I would be accepted, even though I had no undergraduate degree.


Coaching helped me believe in my potential which kept me going when I floundered. My coach moved me forward when I was stuck or unmotivated. He helped me build awareness about how I was sabotaging myself. I flew through my M.A. (with honours I might add), no problemo. That was some years ago now. But today I still meet with a coach about my business, and any other issues that may arise. I don’t have to go it alone. I have support and feedback from someone whose only agenda is to help me succeed. The value of being coached is priceless. It impacts on every area of my life now, and will in the future.

Katie Kalin is a coach and kinesiologist based in Cork Ireland.She offers online consultations where she enables you to access your own wisdom  through teaching you how to self muscle test.

Disclaimer: The resources on this page are educational material and personal opinions. They are not a subsitute for medical  diagnosis or professional help. If you are suffering from physical symptoms that may be indicative of a health condition, be sure to seek professional help.