26.4.19 How Can I Renew My Zest for Life?

26.4.19 How Can I Renew My Zest for Life?

How Can I Renew My Zest for Life? #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: How can I renew my zest for life and enjoy my surroundings more? Is there a weekly outing or activity that would lift my mood? To submit a question...
19.4.19 Niching for Your Business

19.4.19 Niching for Your Business

19.4.19 #WisdomHour Katie Kalin Surrogate Muscle tests for your questions Click on the blue numbers to take you to the specific question and answer you wish to watch, below. Instead of a weekly Wisdom Hour, it will take place daily from Thursday to Friday at 1pm BST...