What's causing my hair loss? #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: From a young age, I’ve tended to shed a lot of hair. Most noticeably on the right side of my head. I’m curious about the cause...
Why do I procrastinate over doing my tax returns? #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: I have to complete French, English and Swiss tax returns. I always get them in on time but often leave them right...
How can I get my life gently supported by others? #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: I am coming near the end of an intensive three year holistic course. I want to work for myself in the future and...
21.5.19 Why is My Jaw so Tight (video) #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: I’m feeling a bit stuck at the moment. Like I’m back in old territory and I need to get myself out of it quickly. My neck feels...
20.5.19 How do I find positive friends #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: I’m having a hard time finding friends who support the life I desire for myself. I don’t have a good support system....
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