19.4.19 #WisdomHour Katie Kalin Surrogate Muscle tests for your questions Click on the blue numbers to take you to the specific question and answer you wish to watch, below. Instead of a weekly Wisdom Hour, it will take place daily from Thursday to Friday at 1pm BST...
29.3.19 #WisdomHour Today's questions answered through surrogate muscle testing with Katie Kalin Blue numbers are links that take you to that specific question and answer. To submit an anonymous question go to bit.ly/WisdomHour 01:33 How can I heal my mother’s...
1.3.19 #WisdomHour Questions answered by Katie Kalin using surrogate muscle testing #WisdomHour To submit an anonymous question go to bit.ly/WisdomHour Blue numbers take you straight to the specific topic and answer. 00:58 Wonderful Womens Wisdom Group 03:29 How can I...
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