How do I get free of the burden of my troubled childhood? #WisdomHour with Katie Kalin kinesiologist as she surrogate muscle tests for the following question: How do I get my past reconciled with who am now? I had a very troubled childhood. There was a lot of neglect...
30.4.19 Can I get relief from IBS, muscular spasms, joint and bone pain? P.S. When a person submits their question, they are advised to also seek medical tests and advice for physical symptoms. #Wisdom Hour with Katie Kalin as she surrogate muscle tests for the...
1.3.19 #WisdomHour Questions answered by Katie Kalin using surrogate muscle testing #WisdomHour To submit an anonymous question go to Blue numbers take you straight to the specific topic and answer. 00:58 Wonderful Womens Wisdom Group 03:29 How can I...
You are held captive by your past when you keep it secret and don’t want anyone else to know about it. This is a clue that you harbour shame and guilt even though none of it was your fault. You can’t become free of the past until you bring it out of...
Your health won’t get better if you keep suppressing or dulling the symptoms but don’t do anything to unravel what is causing them. Your health gets better when you understand that symptoms are like ‘error signals’ on your computer. They tell...
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