The Road to Wellness

The Road to Wellness

When We are Unwell its Hard to See Things Clearly. Our experience with illness makes it hard to remember what its like to feel well. We have to step into imagining the general feeling of wellness to actually get well and that takes a leap of faith. When we decide that...
How To Take Charge of Your Life, Like a Boss

How To Take Charge of Your Life, Like a Boss

We all have things we would like to change about our lives. We can all identify things that ‘do our heads in’ and create tension in our lives. Our general level of happiness won’t change until we recognise some things about the way we interact with...
Emotions Are Like Clouds

Emotions Are Like Clouds

I was sitting in the most brilliant Autumn sunshine and all of a sudden a big cloud seemed to come out of nowhere across the sun and I thought about how our emotions are very like clouds. When we see clouds on a sunny day they come and they go and they’re no...