15.3.19 Emotions Causing Physical Symptoms?

15.3.19 Emotions Causing Physical Symptoms?

15.3.19 #WisdomHour Katie Kalin answers your questions by surrogate muscle testing To submit your anonymous question go to bit.ly/WisdomHour Blue numbers below take you directly to the specific question and answer. 00:34 I’ve been told my physical pain is caused...
How To Deal With Our Messy Past

How To Deal With Our Messy Past

When is the best time to deal with our past? The time to prioritise healing your past is when your body gives you signals that you are in distress. All past traumas are stored in your body in either muscle memory, DNA, or in your organs as energy, which gets every...
Enter Your Heart to Remember Your Purpose

Enter Your Heart to Remember Your Purpose

You are on the right track in life when you are working with your brain, and feeling with your heart. Your head can’t make decisions easily if it doesn’t listen to your heart. People get confused between their thoughts and their feelings. When you work...
Emotions Are Like Clouds

Emotions Are Like Clouds

I was sitting in the most brilliant Autumn sunshine and all of a sudden a big cloud seemed to come out of nowhere across the sun and I thought about how our emotions are very like clouds. When we see clouds on a sunny day they come and they go and they’re no...